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Asus South Africa / AsusTek

Asus South Africa sells quality laptops, computers and hardware to the South African market.

Origin of the name "ASUS", Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek mythology represents inspiration and knowledge. These facets are not lost in ASUS, which is named after it. The company embodies the strength, purity, and creative spirit of this mythical creature, and soars to new heights with each product it produces.

Through the years, ASUS' visionary approach has seen it become a major proponent in consumer technology, bringing quality innovation and design into consumers' lives.

Asus' corporate Vision
ASUS constantly strives to be an integrated 3C solution provider (Computer, Communications, Consumer electronics) that delivers innovations that simplify our customers' lives and enable them to realize their full potential. ASUS products represent the best that technology has to offer, providing outstanding performance and aesthetics that seamlessly accommodate all lifestyles, any-time, anywhere.

Asus' Mission and Philosophy
As a major player in the IT industry, ASUS' corporate mission is to provide innovative IT solutions that empower people and businesses to reach their full potential. ASUS' philosophy behind product development - which is to accomplish the fundamentals well first before moving forward - has resulted in a dependable backbone of computer components such as motherboards, graphics cards, and optical storage devices. ASUS has now over 16 product lines, including its industry-redefining Eee products, desktop bare-bone systems, servers, notebooks, hand-held, network devices, broadband communications, LCD monitors, TVs, wireless applications, and CPT (chassis, power supply and thermal) products.

This online computer shops sells Asus computer and laptop products at the best prices in South Africa.

Asus / AsusTek South Africa

This online shop sells the following products:
  • Audio Cards
  • Notebook
  • Blu-Ray Reader / combo drive
  • Blu-Ray Writer / combo drive
  • DVD Writers
  • External Optical Drives
  • Graphics cards 16x ATI PCI-E
  • Keyboards and mice
  • And much more...
Warranty support South Africa: You need to return the product back to your original point of sale. No other store can offer warranty backup on your product and there is no central point of contact for end users.

Repairs: You need to return the product back to your original point of sale.

© Respective owners and brand holders. © 2025 Laptop Direct CC. The contents has been generated by Laptop Direct CC ( All products are sourced locally in South Africa and the warranty is that of the local supplier only. E&OE.

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Western Digital Drives