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Bone Collection

6 products


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Bone Collection

Bone Collection

If you have seen the lovely penguin USB drive somewhere, please note that it comes from Bone, which is a brand from Taiwan that has been devoted itself to make creative and delicate design stuff to share with people all over the world.

Taiwan has been well-known for the excellent ability in OEM; however, Bone wants to do more. In order to develop a brand which can be popular in the world, Bone has been devoted itself to produce products with flawless quality which requires mature manufacturing ability, high cost, unique ideas, and amazing design; most important of all, the Taiwanese spirit and culture are the soul of Bone which are indispensible. Showing the world our amazing design and speaking out loud that Bone is from Taiwan has always been our motivation and target.

How does an affective idea be carried out from a thought to a piece of work and even become a trend? How does the trend become popular and be accepted by the consumers? How does a simple creation transfer to be a product wrapped with the wonderful package? And how does the product become a brand staying in the consumer's hearts? The answers to the questions above are tough; nevertheless, Bone, gathering a group of people with dreams, has overcome all the obstacles and finally presented the perfect products surprising everyone.

Now, you can find Bone not only in Taiwan, but also in several countries around the world. This amazing result is due to the perseverance and the faith of all the members in Bone. It might seem to be an ordinary choice for you to buy Bone products; however, there is something unusual behind the choices. There are a small group of people being noticed by the world for their outstanding creativity, vision, and capability.

Bone Collection South Africa

This online computer store is an official Bone Collection reseller in South Africa.

Warranty support South Africa: You need to return the product back to your original point of sale. No other store can offer warranty backup on your product and there is no central point of contact for end users.

Repairs: You need to return the product back to your original point of sale for repairs.

© Respective owners and brand holders. © 2024 Laptop Direct CC. The contents has been generated by Laptop Direct CC ( All products are sourced locally in South Africa and the warranty is that of the local supplier only. E&OE.

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